
Anya Schiffrin on the Forthcoming EU Tech Regulation

December 15, 2021

The forthcoming European regulation on online disinformation may be a “game changer,” CMDS Advisory Board member Anya Schiffrin writes for the Columbia Journalism Review.

Marius Dragomir at the OPG Global Summit

December 14, 2021

CMDS Director Marius Dragomir will moderate a large panel of government and civil society representatives at the 2021 Global Summit of the Open Government Partnership.

Benedetta Brevini on the Australian News Media Bargaining Code

December 13, 2021

Australia’s News Media Bargaining Code looks more like a missed opportunity than an appropriate tool to address the crisis of public interest journalism, CMDS Fellow Benedetta Brevini writes in her commentary for The Political Economy of Communication.

Tricked and Deceived: How Teenagers Take False News at Face Value and What Can Be Done About It

Despite growing up in the digital world, today’s teenagers are easy prey to disinformation, especially on their favorite social media platforms. Some fact-checking and media literacy outfits are struggling to fix that.

Technology in Ukraine: Playing Catch-Up

As Ukraine updates its communication policies, the country’s tech sector remains plagued by a delayed introduction of new technologies, a gaping urban-rural digital divide, skepticism towards the state and the problem of disinformation.