Technology has disrupted almost everything in the past two decades. It changed lifestyles and ways we communicate, travel and learn. At the same time, it totally changed the rules of game in journalism: it destroyed business models and arrangements, but also gave journalists unlimited space to make their work public.
The history of the Center for Media, Data and Society (CMDS) is intertwined with the rise of the internet and the technological revolution that we have seen in the past decade or so. Thus, technology is deeply embedded into our work. Many of our speakers and lecture series were devoted to technology-related topics. Faculty at the School of Public Policy (SPP) affiliated with the center have broad expertise in technology and communications.
When it comes to research, our guiding principle in analyzing technology is to avoid the technological deterministic approach. The work focuses on the study of those areas in media and journalism most affected by digital technologies and on the ensuing policy implications. In the Media Influence Matrix project launched in spring 2018, Technology is one of the big three chapters along with Government and Funding. It is in this project where we aim to identify the web of links between technology actors, government players and funders.