
Thomas on the Political Coverage Index and Its Application to Media Capture

Political Coverage Index was introduced to investigate whether the media fulfill their role as the fourth estate. In the article, CMDS Fellow Tobias Thomas and his co-authors present the result of the research on more than 10 million news items in German media.

How to Regulate India’s Amazons and Netflixes

November 12, 2019

India has recently seen a massive growth in video streaming services, but this came in a regulatory vacuum. Self-regulation by the industry alone, without the interference of the government, would be the right approach, a new CMDS policy paper argues.

Technology in Romania: Fast Is Not Fair

Romania has one of the most competitive technology markets in the world. But who benefits from it?

Journalism in Kyrgyzstan: Feeding at the Public Trough

In a country where media heavily rely on government funding and informal payments, there can’t be much independent reporting. Kyrgyz journalists attest to that.

Batorfy on Hungary’s Path Toward an Authoritarian Media System

CMDS Fellow Attila Bátorfy describes the transformation of the Hungarian media system by the government of Viktor Orbán and he argues that the Hungarian media system and its mixed features do not fit neatly into any existing media system theories.