Program - Research

The Debunking Effect – Recent and Upcoming Challenges for Fact-Checking Organizations

While the impact of misinformation has been widely studied in recent years, more analysis of the effect of fact-checking on society is needed. Trying to fill that gap, our project mapped and analyzed the work of the world’s fact-checking groups, with a focus on their challenges, needs and successes.

Who Finances India’s Journalism?

Commercial advertisers are the largest players in terms of funding spent in the media in India, but the state has also a significant role, financing the country’s public service broadcaster, shelling out public advertising money to commercial media and holding a monopoly over the news radio market.

Journalism Thrives in Slovakia Despite Growing Oligarchic Control

Slovaks have access to a plethora of news platforms, but many of them are in the hands of powerful financial corporations, closely linked with political groups. Nevertheless, swelling demand for accurate, quality information boosts the country’s independent journalism.

Regulatory Capture in Slovakia: Who Benefits Most

The Slovak news media sector remains captured by powerful financial groups and oligarchs. Blame it on regulation (partly).

Technology in Romania: Fast Is Not Fair

Romania has one of the most competitive technology markets in the world. But who benefits from it?