
Calling for Coalitions: A Look at Successful Media and Advocacy Partnerships

August 14, 2020

A group of Columbia University students recently published a report with the Gates Foundation researching four different collaborations across the globe between media and advocacy groups to better understand how the two can work together while staying true to its own mission.

Tech Platforms Struggle to Label State-Controlled Media

Twitter announced last week that it would start labeling some accounts run by media outlets and their top editors as “state-affiliated,” a descriptor intended to improve transparency about the source of information being shared on the platform.

VSquare Publishes Article Based on CMDS Research

“Despite the growing interest in the environment amongst the public and the increased ability for campaigners to raise concerns (…), such campaigns struggle to address the political structures, material concerns and socio-cultural contexts,” our Researcher, Ian M. Cook and Gabi Horn, journalist at Átlátszó write in their article published by VSquare.

Radu on Fighting the “Infodemic”

“Since the start of the pandemic, national legislation meant to discourage the creation and spread of misinformation also served to create the conditions under which it is more likely for it to flourish by undermining legitimate journalism and eroding trust in institutions of authority,” our Fellow, Roxana Radu writes in her article “Fighting the ‘Infodemic’: Legal Responses to COVID-19 Disinformation”, published by Social Media + Society.

Dragomir on Citizen Participation in the Media

August 11, 2020

The link between media funding and citizen participation is one of the key elements in the transformation of today's journalism, our Director, Marius Dragomir writes in his article published in Quaderns del CAC, the journal of the Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya (Catalan Audiovisual Council, CAC).