
Haraszti on Censorship and Propaganda

January 6, 2021

There is no place for debate in the government’s propaganda system, and media pluralism is clearly damaged, our Fellow, Miklós Haraszti said in a podcast produced by the Hungarian Helsinki Committee.

Detrekői on the EU Copyright Directive

Our Fellow, Zsuzsa Detrekői analyzed how Article 17 of the EU Copyright Directive will influence the operation of video-sharing websites.

UNESCO Publishes New Video Based on Dragomir’s Report

January 4, 2021

Based on a report written by Marius Dragomir, UNESCO created the video What Is Media Capture and How To Fight It Back?

Who Funds Journalism in Italy?

Advertising is the most important source of income in the Italian news media market, where television is still the most popular platform, dominated by two historical players.

Dragomir on Media Independence for UNESCO

December 8, 2020

“Journalists all over the world are struggling to stave off pressures and attacks from both powerful external players, as well as decision-making structures or individuals in their own outlets,” our Director, Marius Dragomir writes in his report for UNESCO.