MIM News

How Technology Changes Slovak Media

Slovak news media are highly dependent on the distribution power of the global tech giants. That makes them highly vulnerable.

Journalism in Georgia: Under Pressure

News is a much-sought product in Georgia, but its production is not a lucrative business. Independent journalism struggles in a highly politicized media industry where politicians and wealthy families call the shots.

Online Media in Georgia: Still Hatching

Georgia has experienced a boom in internet and mobile penetration. That's not enough for the country’s digital media to take off.

Slovak Media Welcomes New Oligarchs

The oligarchs’ grip on the Slovak media continued to strengthen in the past year, but a few doughty independent media put up fierce resistance.

News Media in Spain: A Battle of the Behemoths

The Spanish news media industry is vibrant, with a wealth of players competing for funding and eyeballs, but at the same time it is extremely concentrated, especially financially.