MIM News

The Media Influence Matrix Expands to Latin America

September 27, 2021

We are happy to announce that Montevideo-based think tank Observacom has joined the Media & Power Research Consortium to expand the Media Influence Matrix to Latin America.

The Sorry, Sorry State of State Media: Four Fifths of the World’s State Media Lack Editorial Independence

In a study released today, CMDS Director Marius Dragomir introduces a new tool to assess the editorial independence of the world’s state media and finds that nearly 80% of 546 state-administered media companies in 151 countries lack editorial independence.

Ownership rules ok? The need for a tougher UK media plurality regime

August 19, 2021

In his article for the Media @LSE blog on the UK’s media plurality regime, Justin Schlosberg calls for regular plurality reviews which address the role of algorithms in meeting plurality goals.

Media in Israel: Politics at Work

The involvement of high-placed political figures in the inner workings of the media raises fundamental questions about the legitimacy and integrity of professional journalism in Israel today, according to a new report by CMDS.

GB News: The Rise of UK’s New Rightwing Media Isn’t Over Yet

In her latest article for Huck Magazine, Naomi Smith makes a parallel between the rise of  Rupert Murdoch's Fox News in the US and and the similarly right-wing GB News in the UK. While GB News is sometimes regarded as a laughable matter, Smith argues that Fox News was similarly dismissed when it was launched in the mid '90s.