MIM News

Technology in Ukraine: Playing Catch-Up

As Ukraine updates its communication policies, the country’s tech sector remains plagued by a delayed introduction of new technologies, a gaping urban-rural digital divide, skepticism towards the state and the problem of disinformation.

The UK Media Influence Matrix Final Report is Published Today

At the end of one year of research the final Media Influence Matrix: United Kingdom Report is being published today. The report provides a comprehensive and timely overview of the UK media landscape with a particular emphasis on the key institutions shaping the regulatory environment, the funding and consumption of news, and the impact of big tech on the production and consumption of journalism.

Dragomir's The State of State Media Study Featured in Several Media Outlets

November 19, 2021

CMDS Director Marius Dragomir’s study on the global state media has received coverage in several publications.

Global Tech Versus UK Media or What the Future Has in Store for British Journalism

Global tech giants and British media players are fighting tooth and nail to access market resources. The result of this struggle will make or break journalism in the UK.

Funding Journalism in Britain: Commercial Logic Beats Public Interest

Public funding is the most suited, if not sole, future for Britain’s public interest journalism. But both policymakers and commercial media seem to oppose it. A new CMDS report sheds light on the latest trends in journalism funding in the UK.