MIM News

Accountability Initiative for Reform Joins Media and Power Research Consortium

May 20, 2019

Accountability Initiative for Reform (AIR Foundation) is a Kazakhstani non-profit organization aimed at helping people to always have an access to honest information from all institutions of society, including government, business, media and non-profit sector. Media and Power Research Consortium consists of local as well as regional and international organizations through which CMDS runs the Media Influence Matrix project.

Who’s Funding Romanian Journalism?

A new generation of brash journalism outlets challenge the highly concentrated media system in Romania. But many of them remain highly vulnerable, according to Funding Journalism: Romania, the most comprehensive analysis of the country’s media in decades, released today by CMDS.

Local Media in Romania Earn Profits, But Only on Paper

April 29, 2019

The majority of local media outlets in Romania managed to earn profits in 2017, but in reality, Romanian local media experience a profound financial crisis. Most outlets survive solely thanks to local municipalities or oligarchs who fund media to prevent critical coverage, according to a new report of the Media Influence Matrix project, to be published on May 3.

Roni Dorot Joins CMDS as Researcher

April 25, 2019

We are happy to announce that Roni Dorot has joined our team as a researcher of the Media Influence Matrix project.

Media Policy in India: A Political Shop

Indian media is grappling with many problems, but the country’s regulators fail to address them. Blame it on politics.