MIM News

Policy Briefing on the BBC Licence Fee Settlement Published

February 9, 2022

The Media Reform Coalition (MRC) produced a second briefing document based on the UK Media Influence Matrix report and MRC’s Manifesto for a People’s Media, addressing the issue of the BBC licence fee.

Cómo la Industria Controla la Política de Medios en Argentina

En Argentina, la libertad de expresión está oficialmente garantizada por la Constitución y el gobierno tiene la ventaja en la regulación de los medios. Sin embargo, son los grupos de medios más grandes del país los que ejercen una influencia real en el proceso político, según un nuevo informe publicado hoy por CMDS.

The UK Media Influence Matrix Report Launched in the UK Parliament

January 26, 2022

The UK Media Influence Matrix report has been launched in the UK Parliament along with the Media Reform Coalition’s Manifesto for a People’s Media.

Policy Briefing Based on the UK Media Influence Matrix Published

January 24, 2022

The Media Reform Coalition (MRC) produced a briefing document based on the UK Media Influence Matrix report, the report Who Owns the UK Media and MRC’s Manifesto for a People’s Media.

Politics for All Is Over, but the Memefication of News Isn‘t

In her latest article for Huck Magazine, Naomi Smith discusses the memefication of news, the problems it creates and possible responses.