Hungarian Media

Batorfy on the Past Ten Years of Hungarian Media

In partnership with CMDS, our Fellow, Attila Batorfy published on Atlo a visualized summary on how the Hungarian media was changed in the past ten years.

Batorfy on State Advertising in Hungary

September 10, 2019

"State advertising is a powerful tool of political favoritism as well as an instrument of market distortion, censorship and building an uncritical media empire aligned with the government", CMDS Fellow Attila Bátorfy and researcher Ágnes Urbán write in their article.

Lying for Fun, Politics and Money in Hungary

Facebook appears to be the almost exclusive source of traffic for Hungarian misinformation websites, which fall on the spectrum from purely ideological sites to simple money-making machines. Their Facebook pages are stable, directing users to their ever-changing URLs.

Dragomir Quoted in NPR Article about Media in Hungary

May 10, 2019

The government of Hungary has achieved the highest level of controlling the media across Europe, and “the propaganda seems to be very, very powerful,” Marius Dragomir, Director of CMDS says in the article “Outlets Strive for Independence in Hungary, Where Most Media Back the Government”, published by NPR.

“I Would Really Appreciate If We Got Real Answers”

February 19, 2019

A short documentary produced by three students of Central European University shows the ongoing struggles of independent journalists in Hungary. It captures the dedication, courage and persistence it takes to conduct investigative journalism, says CMDS's Senior Program Officer Eva Bognar.