
Can Moral Rights Survive in the Digital Age?

March 7, 2019

Modifying a piece of art can land you in court, according to legal provisions endorsed by most of the world’s nations. But applying them online is an uphill battle.

Student Protests in Albania: When Digital Activism Is Not Enough

March 4, 2019

Social media helped Albanian students win a tough battle with the government. But to achieve systemic change, old-school tools should be brought out of mothballs.

When Politicians Become the Guy Next Door

April 16, 2018

Thanks to the power of the internet, politicians are learning how to use their personal life to make people follow them. People indeed feel politicians are more accessible than ever. But that is hardly improving the quality of our politics. SPP Master's candidate Kamilla Ibragimova's article on the personalization of politics.

The Age of Social Media: Have Photos Lost Their Meaning?

April 12, 2018

Photos have influenced public debate and have contributed to the mobilization of individuals. However, today almost everyone that has a mobile phone with a camera can become a photographer and share their image. But when too many, are pictures losing impact?

Getting Rich by Smart Lying

April 4, 2018

Lone tech-renegades turn fake news into a lucrative business, which, thanks to technology advances, is here to stay and probably grow.