
The Political Independence of the Media Is at the Highest Risk in Hungary, Attila Bátorfy and Co-authors Find in MPM 2021

CMDS Fellow Attila Bátorfy co-authored the latest edition of the Media Pluralism Monitor’s country report on Hungary and found that the greatest risk was recorded in the political independence area.

Anya Schiffrin Co-authors Book Chapter on Disinformation in the Global South

July 6, 2022

CMDS Advisory Board member Anya Schiffrin and Peter Cunliffe-Jones survey some of the fixes tried for dis- and misinformation in the Global South in a chapter in the new book Disinformation in the Global South.

Marius Dragomir Discusses Media Independence on VoiCEE Podcast

July 5, 2022

Media freedom, media capture and the opportunities for independent journalism in Central and Eastern Europe are some of the topics discussed by CMDS Director Marius Dragomir and Transitions executive director and editor-in-chief Jeremy Druker in the latest episode of the VoiCEE podcast.

Concentración del Mercado y Rastros de Prácticas Clientelares, Principales Problemas de la Comunicación en México

México ha avanzado en su marco regulatorio y el establecimiento de contrapesos institucionales para democratizar la comunicación y garantizar los derechos a la libertad de expresión e información mandados por la Constitución. Sin embargo, se requieren políticas públicas integrales para materializar las metas planteadas, según nuevo informe  publicado hoy por CMDS.

Kristina Irion Co-authors Paper on Filing GDPR Complaints

June 29, 2022

CMDS Fellow Kristina Irion has participated in an empirical study of filing complaints with Data Protection Authorities under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).