Publications - Reports

Funding Journalism in Britain: Commercial Logic Beats Public Interest

Public funding is the most suited, if not sole, future for Britain’s public interest journalism. But both policymakers and commercial media seem to oppose it. A new CMDS report sheds light on the latest trends in journalism funding in the UK.

Media in Israel: Politics at Work

The involvement of high-placed political figures in the inner workings of the media raises fundamental questions about the legitimacy and integrity of professional journalism in Israel today, according to a new report by CMDS.

Sharing Knowledge, Mapping Needs: CMDS Launches Report on Innovation in Journalism

CMDS launches report on innovation in journalism, part of its Journalism Breakthroughs project. A dozen media experts, journalists and media managers were interviewed to map the knowledge, training and learning needs of our professional network. The report also discusses how journalists use and consume academic knowledge and how they interact with media experts, as well as the role played by funders in influencing how journalists think about innovation.

Tech and Society in Israel: A Gaping Digital Divide

Wrong policy decisions, hyper-competition on the telecom market and a vast technological gap: this is how Israel is losing its high-tech sparkle, a newly released CMDS report found.

Tech Regulation in Jordan: Thinking Inside the Box

In trying to bridge the regulatory gap between traditional and online media, Jordan is likely to hurt freedom of expression online, a newly issued report from CMDS found.