MIM News

Online Harms: Why We Need a Systems-Based Approach Towards Internet Regulation

February 19, 2021

"People should remain free to state their opinions online (providing they do not break the law in doing so, nor violate the terms of service of a commercial contract), but those opinions do not have to reach the widest audience in ways that sacrifice the public interest for advertising revenue. It is the difference between freedom of speech and freedom of reach."

Funding Journalism in Ukraine: Ask the Oligarchs

Four large players dominate the media market in Ukraine, a country where television is the main source of news. Independent journalism is still alive and kicking but struggles to achieve real impact.

The Cosy Politics of the BBC Chair

January 19, 2021

"The appointment of Tory donor and right-wing think-tanker Richard Sharp as BBC Chair strengthens the party's grip on the broadcaster – and continues a long history of political concerns trumping the public interest.", writes Tom Chivers, a PhD researcher at Goldsmiths, University of London, where he is also associate lecturer in media, history, and politics.

Who Funds Journalism in Italy?

Advertising is the most important source of income in the Italian news media market, where television is still the most popular platform, dominated by two historical players.

Politics, Instability and Anachronisms: Media Regulation in Israel

With a myriad of authorities treading on each other’s toes, the Israeli media regulation is marred by unnecessary duplications, ambiguous enforcement and a waste of public funds.