Innovations in Content

Cómo Salud con Lupa está elevando el estándar de la investigación de temas sanitarios en Latinoamérica

Comenzó como un grupo de Facebook y hoy es un medio digital especializado en temas de salud pública y el único proyecto en español en ser seleccionado en el Fact Checking Innovation Challenge, organizado por el Instituto Poynter y el Facebook Journalism Project. Para su fundadora, Fabiola Torres, pensar en salud pública es pensar en el bienestar colectivo. Y eso, en medio de una pandemia, es más que una declaración teórica.

What Happens When Academia and Media Work Together

When journalists team up with university researchers, only good things can come of it. With scale and structure, this type of collaboration can solve many, if not all, of the woes both journalism and academia are faced with.

New Podcast: Innovations in Journalism During a Pandemic

The podcast discusses how the media coped with the crisis triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic: Innovations in journalism allowed media outlets to survive.

How a Media NGO Changed the COVID-19 Narrative in Zimbabwe

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit Zimbabwe, state accountability and access to accurate, up-to-date information were poor. An investigative and developmental journalism group shook up the government, forcing them to respond better, and more responsibly.

Robots and Quizzes: Engaging the Audience During a Pandemic

Media outlets have been ramping up their coverage on the pandemic, but as competition for eyeballs is constantly on the rise, they also need new ways to reach out to their audience.