Publications - Reports

CMDS Hired by MDIF to Write Media Case Studies

The Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF) commissioned CMDS to write a series of media case studies for a package of media business guides that they are publishing, targeted mostly at their investees, which include media outlets in over 70 countries all over the world. The first two case studies on implementing paywalls were written by Marius Dragomir, Dumitrita Holdis and Ian M. Cook, and they are already available online at this link or as a pdf below.

Bridging the Gap: Rebuilding Citizen Trust in Media

January 5, 2018

At a time when trust in media and institutions has fallen in many parts of the world, journalists and scholars struggle to find ways to rebuild boost their credibility. Academic research on these subjects is inconclusive. A new report by CMDS advisory board members Anya Schiffrin and Ellen Hume, Bridging the Gap: Rebuilding Citizen Trust in Media profiles organizations in Europe, Latin America and Africa that are trying to build trust in the media.

Ellen Hume and Susan Abbott on the Future of Investigative Journalism

Ellen Hume, member of our advisory board and Susan Abbott, non-resident CMDS fellow have recently published their joint study researching the future of investigative journalism. The report paints a bright picture of the current state of investigative journalism, stating that "despite the dangers and uncertainties, it is an exciting time to be an investigative journalist, thanks to new collaborations and digital tools. These nonprofits are inventing a potent form of massive, cross border investigative reporting, supported by philanthropy.

CMDS publishes the final report of the CAPTCHA Project

February 16, 2016

The CAPTCHA project was a partnership of three community media organizations (Radio Corax, Germany; the Near Media Co-op, Ireland; Radio FRO, Austria) and the Center for Media, Data and Society. The project, which ran from September 2013 to August 2015, was supported by a grant from the Culture Programme of the European Union and it aimed to empower community media and programme makers to increase the online accessibility of their programmes.