Ellen Hume and Susan Abbott on the Future of Investigative Journalism

March 31, 2017

Ellen Hume, member of our advisory board and Susan Abbott, non-resident CMDS fellow have recently published their joint study researching the future of investigative journalism. The report paints a bright picture of the current state of investigative journalism, stating that "despite the dangers and uncertainties, it is an exciting time to be an investigative journalist, thanks to new collaborations and digital tools. These nonprofits are inventing a potent form of massive, cross border investigative reporting, supported by philanthropy. They are discovering that they are more secure and powerful in their watchdog work when they work together across borders. Despite this so called “post-fact” era of “fake news” and propaganda spread virally on the internet, these investigative journalists are having a powerful watchdog impact on public life with projects like the Panama Papers. They are developing new digital tools to cast a spotlight on corruption and injustice, with an international impact never before dreamed possible."

The study by Hume and Abbott maps the social media presence of investigative journalist networks and nonprofits, comparing the biggest players in this field, and it also gives recommendations on how to manage virtual organizations such as Global Investigative Journalism Network and Global Voices, how to overcome founder's syndrome. 

Academic Area: 
