Publications - Books

Sejal Parmar Contributes to Journalism at Risk

Sejal Parmar, core faculty member of CMDS and Assistant Professor of Law at CEU's Department of Legal Studies has contributed to the Council of Europe's new book, Journalism at Risk, in which ten experts from different backgrounds examine the role of journalism in democratic societies.

Lina Dencik and Peter Wilkin: Worker Resistance and Media

September 17, 2015

With developments in media technologies creating new opportunities and challenges for social movements to emerge and mobilize, Worker Resistance and Media, written by CMDS fellow Lina Dencik and Peter Wilkin, published by Peter Lang is a timely and necessary examination of how organized labour and workers movements are engaging with this shifting environment.

Shawn M. Powers and Michael Jablonski: The Real Cyber War

April 20, 2015

Discussions surrounding the role of the internet in society are dominated by terms such as internet freedom, surveillance, cybersecurity, and, most prolifically, cyber war. But behind the rhetoric of cyber war is an ongoing state-centered battle for control of information resources. Shawn Powers and Michael Jablonski conceptualize this real cyber war as the utilization of digital networks for geopolitical purposes, including covert attacks against another state’s electronic systems, but also, and more importantly, the variety of ways the internet is used to further a state’s economic and military agendas. 

Philip N. Howard: Pax Technica: How the Internet of Things May Lock Us Up or Set Us Free

April 10, 2015

Should we fear or welcome the internet’s evolution? The “internet of things” is the rapidly growing network of everyday objects—eyeglasses, cars, thermostats—made smart with sensors and internet addresses. Soon we will live in a pervasive yet invisible network of everyday objects that communicate with one another. In this original and provocative book, Director of CMDS, Philip N. Howard envisions a new world order emerging from this great transformation in the technologies around us.

Monroe Price: Free Expression, Globalism and the New Strategic Communication

January 29, 2015

Building on examples drawn from the Arab Spring, the shaping of the Internet in China, Iran's perception of foreign broadcasting, and Russia's media interventions, Monroe Price's book, Free Expression, Globalism and the New Strategic Communication, published by Cambridge University Press, exposes the anxieties of loss of control, on the one hand, and the missed opportunities for greater freedom, on the other.