MIM News

Dragomir on Slovak Media in Balkan Insight

July 6, 2021

The Media Influence Matrix: Slovakia report was featured in an aritcle in Balkan Insight.

Public Interest News: Securing a Future for Nonprofit Journalism

July 1, 2021

In his latest article, published on the Hacked Off Blog, CMDS researcher Leo Watkins, discusses how public interest journalism should be funded, by looking at nonprofit models originating in the US and their relevance for the UK media.

CMDS in Parliamentary Hearing in the UK

June 24, 2021

CMDS Director Marius Dragomir together with researchers Leo Watkins and Thomas Chivers and research supervisor Des Freedman, attended a UK parliamentary group briefing on June 23 to discuss shifts in policy, funding and technology that influence changes in journalism and the future of public service media in the face of politicized appointments and privatization.

Beware, Revamped and Tougher Official Secrets Laws are Coming!

In her 2021 annual official speech, Queen Elizabeth II announced a series of reforms to legislation aiming to counter hostile activity by foreign states in the UK. The Official Secrets Acts of 1911, 1920, 1939 and 1989 are expected to see modifications, including on issues related to unauthorized disclosure of official material.

What are the implications of these developments on the work of journalists?

Birzeit University’s Media Development Center (Palestine) Joins the Media Influence Matrix Project

April 30, 2021

We are happy to announce a new partnership with the Media Development Center at Birzeit University (Palestine) for the Media Influence Matrix Project.