Trade union leaders are also on the public media layoff list

January 16, 2013

Ten trade union leaders are reportedly on the list of employees to be fired from the public media under the plans of the Media Services and Asset Management Fund (MTVA), which manages Hungary’s public media. András Lázár, the president of the Unified Media Trade Union criticized the plan, saying it is “far from the style of European negotiation.”

Some of the union leaders were told that the MTVA would fire all members of the delegation negotiating layoffs with management, Lázár said. Under current legislation, an employer cannot fire a trade union leader without the union’s approval. If the union does not approve, the employer can take the case to the Labor Court.

The MTVA oversees the assets and funding for Hungary’s public media. The Fund is managed by Hungary’s Media Council, which is responsible for approving the Fund’s annual plan and for determining the rules governing how MTVA’s assets can be used, managed, and accessed by the public media.

