RDR News Highlights

Ranking Digital Rights Corporate Accountability Index is now online

Microsoft has unseated Google at the top of the 2019 RDR Corporate Accountability Index. Telefónica outpaced Vodafone among telecommunications companies. Yet despite progress, most companies still leave users in the dark about key policies and practices affecting privacy and freedom of expression, according to the 2019 Ranking Digital Rights Corporate Accountability Index, released last week.

Facebook Data Breach Tests GDPR, Tech Companies Pledge to Help the EU Fight Misinformation, Trump Administration Opposes Google’s Chinese Search Engine

October 8, 2018

Corporate Accountability News Highlights is a regular series by Ranking Digital Rights highlighting key news related to tech companies, freedom of expression, and privacy issues around the world.

Europe Approves Copyright Reform, Benin Levies Internet Tax, Amazon Investigates Reported Data Breach

September 24, 2018

Corporate Accountability News Highlights is a regular series by Ranking Digital Rights highlighting key news related to tech companies, freedom of expression, and privacy issues around the world.

Tech Companies Oppose Australia’s Surveillance Plan, Google Appeals Global Expansion of EU’s ‘Right To Be Forgotten’ Ruling, Facebook and Twitter Ban Accounts

September 14, 2018

Corporate Accountability News Highlights is a regular series by Ranking Digital Rights highlighting key news related to tech companies, freedom of expression, and privacy issues around the world.