Publication - Academic Articles

Community Radio in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Opportunities and Challenges

Kate Coyer and Joost van Beek co-authored a book chapter in Communication and Community: Citizens, Media and Local Governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina, published in 2010 by MEDIACENTAR Sarajevo and Center for Social Research Analitika. 

Making Sense of Zhoriben: The Story of a Romani Social Networking Site in Hungary

The MIT's International Journal of Learning and Media (IJLM) published an article by Eva Bognar and Judit Szakács, of CEU's Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, in its Winter 2010 issue, called "Making Sense of Zhoriben: The Story of a Romani Social Networking Site in Hungary".

Separated Together: The International Telecommunications Union and Civil Society

Kristina Irion's article appeared in the International Journal of Communications Law and Policy
(Year 2009 / Volume 13). 

Media Transitions in the Rear-View Mirror: Some Reflections

Monroe Price's essay appeared in the International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society (IJPS), and it explores the development of media systems in Central and Eastern Europe in the post-Soviet period, including the influence of social and political factors, outside media assistance, and the drive toward privatization and public service broadcasting, in an effort to understand what the experience teaches about democracy promotion, about the efficacy of various forms

Laws and Policies—Enabling or Withholding the Development of the Culture of Constitutional Democracy

September 25, 2009

New regulations and policies can hardly change the attitude of people in former communist countries as fast as a law can be passed, but they can certainly have some influence on the development of the political culture of the society. Bad laws and policies can preserve long-standing tendencies of state secrecy, undue political influence in media, lack of civic courage, and fear of speaking really freely. Good laws and policies can have the opposite result.