Journalism Breakthroughs

New Podcast: A Path to Sustainability for Digital Newsrooms in Latin America

The second episode of the Journalism Breakthroughs podcast series, hosted by Patricio Contreras, discusses how Velocidad, a media accelerator in Latin America, injects money and also explores the different dimensions and challenges of financial health in the news ecosystem.

African Radio Stations Forced to Navigate Domestic Politics to Remain Sustainable

Managing political correctness and manipulation for survival while remaining editorially credible are the key parts of the sustainability strategy for many radio stations in Africa, be they government-controlled or commercial. Those who choose to be defiant usually land themselves into trouble or face closure.

How Journalists in Syria Track COVID-19 in a Sea of Misinformation

Panic and misinformation make it hard for journalists to get the correct information in Syria, where the government retains a firm grip on the media. Nevertheless, some of them found methods, unused before, to keep track of the cases.

How Salud con Lupa Has Raised the Standard of Health Reporting in Latin America

Started as a Facebook group, it has grown into a digital platform covering public health issues. It is the only Spanish-language project selected by the Poynter Institute’s Checking Fact Innovation Challenge in the United States and the Facebook Journalism Project. For its founder, Fabiola Torres, to think about public health is to think about collective wellbeing. In a middle of a pandemic, that is more than a theoretical statement.

Cómo Salud con Lupa está elevando el estándar de la investigación de temas sanitarios en Latinoamérica

Comenzó como un grupo de Facebook y hoy es un medio digital especializado en temas de salud pública y el único proyecto en español en ser seleccionado en el Fact Checking Innovation Challenge, organizado por el Instituto Poynter y el Facebook Journalism Project. Para su fundadora, Fabiola Torres, pensar en salud pública es pensar en el bienestar colectivo. Y eso, en medio de una pandemia, es más que una declaración teórica.