Hungarian Media Monitor

Cabinet does not support Fidesz MP proposal that reverses CoE recommendations

The Government says it does not support a proposal submitted by a Fidesz MP last week that would reverse the agreement between Hungarian officials and Council of Europe to limit the mandate of the Media Authority President to a single nine-year term. In January, Hungarian authorities and the Council of Europe negotiated several amendments to the Hungarian media laws, which included changing both the appointment system and term length of the president of the Media Authority. 

Five international companies boycott newspaper for anti-Roma comment

Five firms with a presence in Hungary have agreed to withhold advertising in Magyar Hírlap until the newspaper rejects the opinions espoused by senior editor Zsolt Bayer in a January 5, 2013 editorial in which he wrote that Roma are “animals” who “shouldn’t be allowed to exist.”

Decisions on 'balanced' reporting: the Media Council upholds a majority of far-right Jobbik party's complaints

February 24, 2013

According to information posted on its website, the Media Council has considered 27 complaints of unbalanced reporting to date, more than half of which were brought by Hungary’s far-right Jobbik party. The Media Council has upheld 13 of Jobbik’s 16 complaints against broadcasters for not including the party’s perspectives or comments in their coverage of certain events. The Media Council has dismissed all complaints of unbalanced coverage brought by other groups or individuals, including all four complaints brought against broadcasters for alleged anti-Roma coverage, and complaints brought against Hungary's public broadcaster for airbrushing out the face of a Constitutional Court judge in a newscast.

Jobbik wins complaint of unbalanced reporting against ATV

February 18, 2013

A court on February 18 upheld a complaint of unbalanced reporting brought by Hungary's far-right Jobbik party against national commercial broadcaster ATV. The Media Council originally ruled that an August 2012 newscast by ATV was unbalanced because it did not allow Jobbik to respond to criticism of the party expressed by the head of Hungary's Counter Terrorism Center (TEK). ATV appealed the Media Council's decision.

Mérték Media Monitor: Assessment of Media Council's tendering and licensing practices

February 15, 2013

Mérték conducts a two-part analysis of the Media Council's practices with regard to tendering and licensing. In the first report,  Mérték examines the tender competitions of the 35 local radio frequencies that had been initiated by the former media authority, the National Radio and Television Commission (ORTT) but completed by the Media Council. The organization found that three providers--Mária Radio, Lánchíd Radio, and Európa Radio--won 15 of these frequencies. Lánchíd Radio is the property of Infocenter Zrt, which is owned by Fidesz-lined businessmen Zsolt Nyerges, who also owns national weekly Heti Válasz and the national commercial radio station, Class FM. The organization also found that soon after awarding local licenses to Lánchíd Radio, the Media Council  amended the terms of the license to expand the broadcast coverage for each of the frequencies. This has enabled the station to build a regional presence, although the original terms of its licenses were for local coverage.