Latest public media layoffs capped at 195

January 15, 2013

The latest round of layoffs from the public media will be no higher than 195 workers, and the aid fund for those who are dismissed will increase to HUF 31.6 million, under an agreement between the body managing public media and its workers, according to reports.

The Media Services and Asset Management Fund (MTVA) and trade union representatives for public media workers announced the agreement January 15. MTVA reportedly agreed to make an effort to avoid firing people over the age of 58 who are not yet eligible for a pension, and those raising three or more children or a child with chronic illness. Those who accept a mutually agreed dismissal can receive better benefits from the aid fund.

The MTVA oversees the assets of and funding allocations for Hungary’s public media. The body  is managed by Hungary’s Media Council, which is responsible for approving the MTVA's annual subsidy policy and for determining the rules governing how MTVA’s assets can be used, managed, and accessed by the public media.

