Philipp Karl

Philipp Karl is a PhD candidate in political science from Andrássy University Budapest. His main topics of research are social movements, the radical right, social media, network and content analysis. Currently he is writing his dissertation entitled „The Radical Right in Hungary – Actors, Processes, Structure“. He graduated within the framework of a French-German double diploma at Westfälische Willhelms-Universität Münster (Germany) and the Institute d’Études Politiques in Lille. While obtaining a diploma in social science and public law and a master in conflict studies, he became interested in Hungarian politics. His diploma thesis focused on the reasons for the succes of the Hungarian parties Jobbik and Fidesz. He has been a visiting researcher at the chair of Michael Minkenberg at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder (Germany) and has presented his research at various conferences and summer schools to academia and media.