Péter Nádori

Péter Nádori is a media professional and part-time academic, currently working on his PhD thesis, titled Anonymous Mass Speech and the Law: Social, Regulatory, and Jurisprudential Dilemmas Posed by User-Generated Comments, at the University of Pécs. He’s been teaching courses on journalism, media ethics and media regulation at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, and Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest. His published articles include studies on the case law of Hungarian civil courts in defamation cases involving online comments; on Section 5 of Great Britain’s Defamation Act of 2013, regulating intermediary and speaker liability for defamatory user-generated content; and the comment-related jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the Constitutional Court of Hungary. He is a board member of MTE, the industry association of Hungarian online content providers, and the author of the column ‘Press & Law’, published monthly in trade journal Kreatív.