CMDS Media Specialists Train Representatives of Press Councils of Southeast Europe and Turkey on Online Media Ethics

June 21, 2016

Representatives of the press councils from Southeast Europe and Turkey gathered in Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina on June 9-10, 2016 to explore the legal and ethical complexities of journalism and public-interest reporting in the digital age. The two-day training seminar was hosted by the Press Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as part of the UNESCO EU-funded Project “Building Trust in Media in South East Europe and Turkey”.

The team of trainers was represented by the CMDS, and included Amy Brouillette, Director of CMDS' European Media Project, Gillian Phillips, non-resident CDMS Fellow and Director of Editorial Legal Services of the Guardian, Dean Starkman, a Media Analyst and CMDS Fellow, and Nevena Krivokapić, Legal Researcher at the SHARE foundation reviewed key questions around the impact of the Internet on journalism and explored how these changes are reinventing and challenging traditional media landscapes.

The training programme focused on such issues as the status of journalists in the digital age, the measures in place to ensure the quality and accuracy of information online as well as rights, responsibilities and protection mechanisms for bloggers and civil society campaigners engaged in “acts of journalism”.

Read more about the training here.