Conference, Nov. 15-16: Hungarian media system in Europe – civil and European expectations on media policy

November 13, 2012

Standards Media Monitor and CivilMédia are organizing a conference at the Open Society Archives in Budapest this Thursday and Friday, November 15-16, on "The Hungarian media system in Europe – civil and European expectations on media policy", and two CMCS'ers will be among the presenters.

On Thursday, from 10:00 to 17:30, the two organizing NGOs will present their research, and a range of speakers and panelists will present their experiences and evaluations of the new media laws and the impact those laws have had on the freedom of the press, the Hungarian media market and media content. Each presentation features two commenters as well as a speaker, and the day features contributions by Miklós Haraszti (former OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media), Edward Pittman (Open Society Foundations), József Kárpáti (CivilMedia), Szonja Navratil (ELTE), Tamás Bodoky (Atlatszo), Judit Bayer (King Sigismund College), András Koltay (Media Council), Ágnes Urbán (Corvinus University), Gábor Csuday ( and Mihály Gálik (Corvinus University).

On Friday, at 9:00, a session on the importance of civil society in defending media freedom will feature László Majtényi (former Chairman of the National Radio and Television Commission), Zoltán Fleck (ELTE) and Andrew Smith (ARTICLE 19), as well as CMCS Director Kate Coyer and CMCS Fellow Peter Molnar. A subsequent session on European standards of media freedom will see presentations by Pier Luigi Parcu  (Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies - European University Institute), Joan Barata (Blanquerna Communications School - University of Ramon Llull), Levente Nyakas (Institute for Media Studies, Media Council) and Éva Simon (Hungarian Civil Liberties Union). The event will end at 13:00.

A draft program of the event is available in Hungarian on the CivilMedia website, and in English on the Open Society Archives Facebook page

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