Reporting with the Mobile Phone: The Role of Mobile Technology as an Information Platform in China
Thursday, April 16, 2009 - 11:30am
The Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, and the Communication University of China organized an interactive seminar on mobile technologies in China. The CMCS was one of the official participants.
The event offered a unique opportunity to hear scholars and technologists from China and the US as they discuss and debate on the following topical questions:
- How are mobile phones becoming a platform for the delivery of news and information, particularly by established news organizations?
- In what ways can cell phones provide innovative mechanisms for news gathering and news diffusion by local and national newspapers?
- How can journalists, innovators, and media development implementers better contextualize mobile technology among past forms of new media?
In this event, it was possible to actively participate in the Q&A sessions of the seminar via on-line participation in chat-rooms. The web-event was followed by a brief wrap-up discussion amongst local participants at CEU. More information about the webinar can be found at the Annenberg School for Communication website.