Webinar: "Journalism, New Technologies and Media Development"

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 - 9:00am
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009 - 9:00am

As part of the 2009 summer course on media development, the CMCS, the Annenberg School for Communication and the Hungarian telecommunications provider Magyar Telekom hosted an interactive web seminar – or “webinar” – on the ways new technologies are changing journalism, the media, and the information landscape.

The “webinar” featured a discussion with James Deane, director of policy for the BBC World Service Trust; Persephone Miel, Senior Advisor of Internews and a fellow with the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University; András Benedict, developer of iwiw, the largest and oldest Hungarian social networking site; and practitioners, researchers, and journalists in media development who participated in CMCS’ summer school. 

The two hosts, Susan Abbott (Annenberg School for Communication) and Kate Coyer (CMCS) brought in other participants and presenters via Skype, including Iranian specialists to discuss the post-election demonstrations there, while over 100 people around the globe watched the video stream of the event online and participated in the simultaneous online chat forum.

View the video and chat stream.