Norah Abokhodair

Norah Abokhodair is a Ph.D. student in the University of Washington Information School. She received her Master’s Degree in Information Management from the University of Washington Information School and her Computer Science Degree from King Saudi University.

She is a passionate & collaborative Researcher in Information Security and Privacy, and her research interests focus on information security and privacy in emerging technologies. She is also interested in understanding the role of social media in social change and some of the projects she worked on focused on the role of social media in the Arab spring. Her Ph.D dissertation focuses on understanding privacy concerns and conceptions of non-western users of mobile applications. Specifically, she focuses on transmigrant Saudi Arabian youth living between Saudi Arabia and the USA. As a side project, she studies the phenomenon of Social Botnets on social media and investigate their implications on the social graph. This project recently received an Eager grant from the National Science Foundation and it is with a group of collaborators from the Communication department and the Human Centered Design Department at the University of Washington. 

Her website is and she tweets from @norahak