Amelia Arsenault

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Amelia Arsenault is an Assistant Professor of Communication at Georgia State University. Her academic research focuses on how different international and domestic actors have attempted to leverage the changing dynamics of communications systems, and the ramifications of those activities for international relations, political and social power relationships, and north/south inequality.  While a resident fellow at CMDS, she is working on a book project that explores the nascent industry of digital “information warriors,” who provide contract services to political actors seeking to influence the online media agenda. Her scholarly work has appeared in the International Journal of Communication, International Sociology, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, and Information, Communication, and Society. Her co-edited book The Connective Mindshift (with Rhonda Zaharna and Ali Fischer) on the subject of networked public diplomacy was released in May 2013.  In addition to her affiliation with CMDS, she also serves as the Media and Democracy Research Fellow at the Center for Global Communication Studies at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.  She holds a B.A. in Film and History from Dartmouth College and an MSc in Global Media and Communication from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a PhD from the University of Southern California Annenberg School.  Prior to her academic career, she spent several years as the film coordinator for the Zimbabwe International Film Festival Trust, a non-profit visual literacy organization in Harare, Zimbabwe.  Twitter: @Amelia263