Sejal Parmar Starts Fellowship at UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

July 19, 2022

We are happy to share that CMDS Fellow Sejal Parmar has been awarded an Economic and Social Research Council’s (ESRC) policy fellowship to help shape UK foreign policy on disinformation.

The fellowships, co-funded with the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and UK government partners, aim to “enhance the relationship between academia and government by improving the flow of evidence, insights and talent.” They will support UK “policymakers to access and use the best and most relevant research when developing new policies.”

Sejal Parmar’s fellowship will last 18 months. Placed at the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, she will focus on foreign policy and disinformation from an international human rights law perspective.

Image: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office / Flickr


