Dean Starkman on the Pandora Papers in the Gulf Times

January 26, 2022

Qatar newspaper the Gulf Times reports on CMDS Fellow Dean Starkman’s talk on the Pandora Papers and on the importance of investigative reporting for democracy, given at Northwestern University in Qatar's Hiwar Speaker Series.

The article reports that the Pandora Papers is a project of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), exposing secret offshore accounts of world leaders. According to the article, Dean Starkman explained that as the Pandora Papers revealed, the system has failed to protect the public interest, leading to a decline in trust in democratic institutions. The offshore system also increases inequality as it “drains legitimate governments from the resources needed to fund public projects.”

The conversation was moderated by Professor Eddy Borges-Rey.

CMDS also has a short video in which Dean Starkman explains why the Pandora Papers matter:

