Populism, Fake News, Manipulation: Challenges for Election Coverage

Event outside CEU
Open to the Public
Wednesday, November 29, 2017 - 3:30pm
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Wednesday, November 29, 2017 - 3:30pm

Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfRJLEOfAiCfJIfwv4m_BgLEr7m5g52... by Monday, 27 November 2017!

The traditional end-of-year conference to be held by the Goethe-Institut Budapest, the Center for Independent Journalism, and the Hungarian Editors’ Forum aims to provide an overview of the challenges news media face during election campaigns. Speakers and panelists at the event will focus on the following topics: How to cover political parties professing populist and extreme views in the light of the recent Dutch, French, German, and Austrian elections? How do fake news and conspiracy theories spread on social networks affect professional journalism? How to disclose political manipulation when covering election campaigns? How to contribute to a meaningful dialogue between politicians, citizens, and journalists?

The conference will be held in English and Hungarian, simultaneous translation will be provided. We kindly ask you to register by submitting this registration form by Monday, 27 November 2017. For further information, please write to foszerkesztok@gmail.com


15:30–16:00 Registration

16:00–16:30 Opening remarks

  • Michael Müller-Verweyen, director, Goethe-Institut Budapest
  • Ilona Móricz, director, Center for Independent Journalism
  • Balázs Weyer, president, Editors' Forum Hungary

16:30–17:00 A Toothless Lion? Journalism between Ethics, Activism, and Economy - Dr. phil. Daniel-Pascal Zorn, philosopher, Germany

17:00–17:30 Fake news: journalism in a new context - Dean Starkman, Pulitzer prize awarded journalist, visiting lecturer at the CEU School of Public Policy, Budapest

Moderator: János Horvát, Chair of the Board, Center for Independent Journalism

17:30–18:00 Coffee Break

18:00–19:30 Manipulation and lack of dialogue during election campaigns. How can the news media serve public interests?

Presentation by Dr. Csaba Tóth, strategy director, Republikon Institute

Panel participants:

  • Daniel-Pascal Zorn PhD, philosopher, Germany
  • Katerina Sinadinovska journalist (Macedonia)
  • Szabolcs Dull journalist, Index.hu (Hungary)
  • Dr. Csaba Tóth, strategy director, Republikon Institute

Moderator: Balázs Weyer