
Media/Society - Industries, Images, and Audiences (Edited by Croteau, D., W. Hoynes, and S. Milan)

November 30, 2011

CMDS Fellow Stefania Milan co-authored the fourth edition of the widely used textbook Media/Society - Industries, Images, and Audiences (SAGE). The publication, co-authored by David Croteau, William Hoynes and Stefania, provides students with a broader framework for understanding the relationship between media and society.

Lina Dencik: Media and Global Civil Society

November 11, 2011

Much analysis and hope in both academia and political rhetoric currently rests on ideas of deliberation and post-national democratic practices – the roots of a 'global civil society'. This has taken force as not just an analysis of social and political change, but as a normative project. This book, published by Palgrave has grown out of concern with how changes in media are influencing democratic function and politics in our global age.

Media, Nationalism and European Identities

June 1, 2011

In April 2011, CEU Press and the CMCS published the latest of a series of books that resulted from the collaborative research network East of West: Setting a New Central and Eastern European Media Research Agenda (2005-2009), coordinated by the CMCS and funded as a European COST initiative by the European Science Foundation.

The Protection of Children Online: Risks Faced by Children Online and Policies to Protect Them

May 17, 2011

Title: The Protection of Children Online: Risks Faced by Children Online and Policies to Protect Them
Publication Type: Report
Year:  May 2011
Authors: Irion, K.
Series: OECD Digital Economy Papers

As increasing numbers of children worldwide enjoy the benefits of the Internet, they also face a spectrum of risks to which they are more vulnerable than adults. This report by core faculty Kristina Irion examines these risks as well as the policy responses of governments and other stakeholders to improve the protection of children online.

User Rights for the Internet Age: Online Policy According to Netizens

The Handbook of Global Media and Communication Policy offers insights into the boundaries of this field of study, assesses why it is important, who is affected, and with what political, economic, social and cultural consequences.