Benedetta Brevini Joins CMDS as Fellow

April 26, 2021

We are happy to announce that Benedetta Brevini has joined our Center as Fellow.

Brevini is a journalist, media reformer and Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Sydney. Before joining the academy she worked as journalist in Milan, New York and London for CNBC and RAI. She writes on The Guardian’s Comment is Free and contributes to a number of print and web publications including South China Morning Post, OpenDemocracy and the Conversation. Since 2010 she has been involved in a number of Public Inquiries into media diversity, public interest journalism and pluralism in the UK and Australia and has consulted, inter alia, for the Open Society Foundations Media Program, Access Info Europe and Getup.

A a political economist doing comparative research on media systems, she is the author of Public Service Broadcasting online (2013) and editor of Beyond Wikileaks (2013). Her latest volumes are Carbon Capitalism and Communication: Confronting Climate Crisis (2017), Climate Change and the Media (2018), Amazon: Understanding a Global Communication Giant (2020) and Is AI good for the planet (2021). She is currently completing new volumes on Newscorp and Media Concentration in Australia.

