Dragomir Quoted by The Economist

June 29, 2020

The article ‘Radio Free Trump – Decapitating America’s state-funded media’ covers the recent developments concerning Voice of America, and Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The US Senate confirmed Michael Pack, a close ally of Steve Bannon as the new head of the US Agency for Global Media, the parent organization of the channels. Later, the Director of Voice of America resigned, while the head fired the heads of RFE/RL and four other organizations.

“In Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary or Russia, the sequence is routine. An independent news outlet is taken over by allies of an oligarch or political party. The editors resign or are fired. Next comes an abrupt shift to a government-friendly editorial line,” The Economist writes asking whether it can also happen in the USA, and quoting CMDS’ Director, Marius Dragomir who said “I never imagined I would witness something like this.”

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