Dragomir on Trust in the Media

January 21, 2020

Hungarian language Slovakian newspaper Uj Szo published an article about Eurobarometer’s survey on the level of trust in different institutions in Slovakia. According to the survey, 43% of the respondents trust online and 53% print media, 60% trust television, and 64% trust the radio. All of these are above the EU average.

Uj Szo interviewed our director, Marius Dragomir, according to whom it is not easy to explain the differences. Referring to a previous research by CMDS, he said that “there may be two reasons behind the trust in television. On one hand, it is the source of information with the highest reach, which traditionally has an important role in consuming information; on the other hand, some TV programs have started to find issues that are important to the people.

He also talked about the different concepts of the internet: for some, it equals social media, for others, it is only about emails. So it really matters what the respondents thought when they were asked about the internet.

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