Primavera Téllez Girón Appointed Member of Supervisory Board of Mexican Telecom Regulator

January 25, 2019

The Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) is an independent government agency in Mexico charged with the regulation of telecommunications and broadcasting services. IFT has a Consultative Council, composed of 15 members, including its president, which serves as an advisory body regarding the principles established in the Constitution.

Its members are experts with accredited skills and extensive experience on their respective fields. Selection is based on independence, equality, plurality and representativeness, they are appointed for a period of one year, which can be extended indefinitely. The Board must meet at least every two months.

Primavera Téllez Girón García, Non-Resident Fellow at Center for Media, Data and Society has been appointed as a member of the Council for the recent year.

She has dedicated much of her professional life to support the development of public policies, as well as promoting the reform of the laws that regulate the right to information; media, broadcasting, telecommunications and internet in Mexico, to achieve a more democratic society. Her work is firmly rooted in reaching social justice and the respect of human rights (right to information, freedom of expression, privacy), empowering civil society through advocacy and raising investigations with a trans-disciplinary perspective. Her research, with a trans-disciplinary point of view, is focused on analyzing the capture of media systems and industries in Latin America and untangling the knots of the difficult relations between media (broadcasting and newspaper companies; public media; telecoms and technology manufacturers; internet providers; community media) and power (politicians, regulation, governments, businessman, industries, organized crime) and how it impacts society and communities.

