Call for Participation at the Final Conference of CAPTCHA
The closing conference of CAPTCHA, „Radio Archives in European Community Media“ will take place on 5-6 June in Halle, Germany at Radio Corax. Its aimed at encouraging people involved in community radio, community media archiving processes and multi-media archiving to explore current practices on archiving in their stations, invent new community dynamics to share content and to raise awareness for archiving processes.
You can register by 31st May at
The participation at the conference is for free. There will be German and English translation. All guests are asked to take care of accommodation and travel on their own. Further information can be requested at the email address above.
"Radio Archiving Practice. Remediating Sonic Memories" by Dagmar Brunow, Universität Växjö, Sweden
"RM Audio Research Archive – Opening radio heritage for research use" by Jacob Kreutzfeldt, The University of Copenhagen, Denmark
"Re-sounding feminist radio: using radio archives as transnational connectors" by Caroline Mitchell, University of Sunderland, UK
"Bold strides or tentative steps? How community media share & archive content online" by Joost van Beek & Kate Coyer, Central European University Budapest, Hungary
"Archiving Methods and Visions of Radio Urban FM" by Berat Gashi, Radio Urban FM, Prishtina, Kosovo
"30 years rolled by: Archiving physical archives of oldest European non-commercial student radio station Radio Študent Ljubljana" by Marko Doles & Andraž Magajna, Radio Študent, Ljubljana, Slovenia
"From manual analogical recording to Radioco, our Free Software automatic digital archiving of live broadcasting system at CUAC FM." by Jose Maria Casanova & Fernando Souto, CUAC FM, A Coruña, Spain
"Our current archiving method" by Daniele Fisichella, Future Radio, Norwich, UK
"Programme calendar as archive: calcms" by Milan Chrobok, Pi Radio, Berlin, Germany
"UVisualize! – Visualisation tool for open archives" by Ingo Leindecker, Radio FRO, Linz, Austria
"Safeguarding the oral heritage : Back on 10 years of experience in France" by Frank Pohu, Fréquence Sillé, Sillé le Guillaume, France
"How to setup your internet streaming to record and archive your audio streams." by Jose M. Casanova, CUAC FM, A Coruña, Spain
"Taxonomie der sonoren Ordnung" by Lale Rodgarkia-Dara & Karl Schönswetter, Vienna, Austria
"Preserving Audio Memories" with Ingo Leindecker, Ralf Wendt, Joost van Beek and Dagmar Brunow
The full program is available here: