Online Personal Data Processing and the EU Data Protection Reform

April 1, 2013

Title: Online Personal Data Processing and the EU Data Protection Reform
Publication Type: Report
Authors: Irion, K., and G. Luchetta
Series: Center for European Policy Studies
Date Published: April 2013

The report sheds light on the fundamental questions and underlying tensions between current policy objectives, compliance strategies and global trends in online personal data processing, assessing the existing and future framework in terms of effective regulation and public policy. Based on the discussions among the members of the CEPS (Center for European Policy Studies) Digital Forum and independent research carried out by the rapporteurs, policy conclusions are derived with the aim of making EU data protection policy more fit for purpose in today’s online technological context. This report constructively engages with the EU data protection framework, but does not provide a textual analysis of the EU data protection reform proposal as such.

The report is available for download here: