CMCS Presented at ECREA Conference in Istanbul

November 11, 2012

Kristina Irion, Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Policy and Research Director, Public Policy, with the CMCS, organized a panel at Europe’s largest communications conference, the biannual gathering of the European Communications Research and Education Association (ECREA), which took place on October 24-27 in Istanbul.

Irion’s panel, part of the conference's Communications Law and Policy Section, focused on the role of independent regulatory agencies in the media sector. CMCS Director Kate Coyer introduced the influential research Hungarian Media Laws in Europe, paying particular attention to the new legislation's impact on regulatory independence.

Other panel members hailed from Germany, Belgium and Hungary and were involved in theINDIREG study for the European Commission on "Indicators for independence and efficient functioning of audiovisual media services regulatory bodies". They presented findings from new collaborative research, which will be published by Intellect in Spring 2013 as a volume of the peer-reviewed ECREA book series. The volume, edited by Wolfgang Schulz, Peggy Valcke and Kristina Irion, has the working title The Independence of the Media and Its Regulatory Agencies: Shedding New Light on Formal and Actual Independence Against the National Context.

In another panel, CMCS researcher Eva Bognar and research assistant Judit Szakacs presented their research on young people's perception of their representation in traditional media. 

(Photo by Kristina Irion)

